Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Leopard Gecko Illness

Although geckos are basically amazing clean reptiles, which is actually an important factor that keep them healthy, but it is best if you recognize some common illness that might infect your gecko for some reason.

Here is the list of infection that may occur to your gecko:

#1 – Gastroenteritis or diarrhea is an infection of the gastro-intestinal tract due to unhygienic environment. It is indicated by watery stool with or without blood. You can also find undigested insect debris. Your gecko may experience weight loss and a skinny tail due to dehydration. If not quickly treated it could possibly die.

#2 – Coccidiasis is also a gastrointestinal disorder caused by protozoan parasites. It affects the lining of the intestine. This is a contagious disease that could spread to other geckos. The symptoms are similar to the above and when not promptly treated your gecko get dehydrated, stop eating, it will move very slow and get anorexic

#3 – Metabolic Bone Disorder or MBD which is caused by calcium and Vitamin D3 deficiency. This is due to wrong feeding of foods that lacks those mineral and vitamin. Those elements are essential in the formation of bones and eggshells. The sign and symptoms include spongy bones, spine and limb deformity, tremor and loss of appetite. Recovery is considered very slow and very difficult.

#4 – Anorexia or loss of appetite can be caused by a lot of factors that may include stress, unhygienic condition, nutritional deficiency and some other illness. Your leopard gecko will look very skinny especially the tail which is usually very thick. It becomes weak and moves very slow. In severe cases, your gecko will stop eating and finally die.

#5 – Dysecdysis is a shedding problem due to several factors such us malnutrition, improper care and lack of humidity. Incomplete shed skin may show like dry patches on the head, surround the eyes, limbs and tail. In such condition could develop eye problem, walking complication due to a remarkable tighten skin bands around the limbs. Untreated condition will trigger serious infection.

#6 – Dystocia or egg-binding is a condition where a female gecko is not able to push out her eggs. This may be caused by a too big egg, nutritional factors, sick and weak female or other factors. A female with dystocia will usually stop eating and get weak and exhausted.

#7 – Pneumonia is a severe bacterial infection in the lung. The cause could be too cool environment with high humidity. The sign is the appearance of mucus bubbles in their nostrils with some degree of breathing difficulty. This condition can be restored by increasing the temperature to a warmer condition              

#8 – Cryptosporidiosis or ‘crypto’ is a highly infectious and fatal disease. The failure to identify this disease in its early stage may lead to the death of your gecko. Even though a clear diagnosis is hard to be made, some symptoms can be recognized which include spots of food regurgitation and watery stool in your gecko cage. Your gecko is showing an extremely thin body and tail. It is very hard to cure this disease and usually ends up with killing the gecko.
#9 – Stomatitis, sand impactions and prolapse could happen occasionally when your gecko for some reason ingest sand or other kind of substrate.

The key to prevent the above unpleasant conditions is keep your clean gecko environment clean, which includes you and your entire family who should possess a mind of cleanliness to be applied for you and your gecko 

Monday, May 14, 2012


Leopard Gecko Morphs - Variations of Color and Pattern in Leopard Geckos

The leopard gecko is one handsome lizard indeed. These unique animals are usually yellow with black dots, but may be found in a wide variety of color and pattern variations. Gecko breeders actively breed geckos for different colors and patterns, often resulting in some surprising looking animals.

There are a few terms we should cover quickly here: pattern, color and phase (or morph). By color, we mean the basic color of the gecko. For instance, yellow in the case of most leopard geckos. Pattern means the way that the black dots on the animal are arranged. Phase (or morph) covers the entire range of appearance traits that the gecko has been bred for.

A pet gecko is one thing where you should choose based on appearance. You'll want to select a lizard which you find to be aesthetically appealing. There are many different leopard gecko morphs around to choose from. The following are some of the most popular morphs.

Jungle Leopard: This is the first type of gecko bred to have stripes. This is a varied phase which can produce some very unique-looking animals. There are two subcategories of this morph; "four eyed" and "bandit". The four eyed variety has two white spots, generally with a black dot in the center over each of its eyes. The bandit variety has a dark band between its eyes and over the nose, much like a bandit's mask.

Albino /Amelanistic: These geckos are off-white with pink eyes. There are many gecko owners who prize these reptiles for their unique look. There are regular albino geckos as well as Amelanistic (patternless) albino geckos available.

Blizzard: These geckos are a variant which have no patterns. Their eyes may vary in color from black to blue and are found in colors including white, the rare and highly prized blue-black (midnight blizzard), yellow (banana blizzard), brown and even purple!

Wild: This is the ordinary pattern seen in wild geckos. These animals feature dark transverse bands across their body as well as 3-4 dark rings on their tail. They have dark spots on their head and body which may also be mixed with tan.

Circle back: These geckos feature a black circle formed out of connected black dots on their backs.

Striped: These attractive leopard geckos have a light colored stripe running all the way down their body from their head to tail.

If you'd like to have a pet gecko, you have a lot of different choices of pattern and color. These are fun pets which can have a very unique look; remember that like any other pet, they need a healthy environment, proper care and plenty of love to do their best.

We are Leopard Gecko enthusiasts who were tired of finding incomplete information about our pet Geckos. We enlisted the help of some serious gecko enthusiasts, breeders, owners, and veterinarians who helped us compile information for people who just wanted to know how to take care of their Leopard Geckos knowledgeably and safely. Please visit our website Leopard Gecko Morphs to learn every thing you need to know.


How to Start Breeding Leopard Geckos
By: Uno Birawan

Speaking about lizards, you may find that the leopard gecko is one of the geckos that you can easily breed while in captivity. Their beautiful and unique patterns plus their obvious appearances that are very interchangeable through breeding made the leopard gecko most admired compared to other geckos. Breeding among geckos will create new specimens with more unique patterns, which makes the job of a breeder very exciting. 

How do we start a breeding process? First, you have to make sure that your male and female geckos are sexually mature. But before that, you should know how to distinguish the male and female. It is pretty easy.

You just turn over the gecko to see the under side. Male geckos possess two pronounced hemipenal swellings behind the stomach just on the tail part. A male gecko also possesses a V-shape pre-anal pores which lies just above the stomach and between the back legs.

Unlike the male, the female does not possess those hemipenal swellings, but they posses what is called pre-anal pits instead of the enlarged pores. You must be aware when mating a fat female gecko, since she may also show a sort of swelling that resemble the hemipenal swelling of a male. It is actually fat. 

The requirement for an adult gecko to breed is that it should be of the right age and is in a healthy condition. The right age of a male gecko is not less than 8 months, and has a weight not less than 45 grams. While for the female, it should not be less than 1 year of old with a minimum weight of 50 grams.

Actual act of breeding, which is the mating, is quite easy to manage. You can just put the gecko pair in the same enclosure and they will immediately mate, but it could also need some time for them to take action. In this case it is good to leave them together for a few days. Time will proof that after being placed together, the male may get aggressive and start to chase the female.

The first move of the male is usually biting the female. And if the female bites back it means that she is not interested yet. It looks like a fight, but this is a normal mating behavior of the leopard geckos. Another gesture of the male is shaking the tip of his tail very fast, back and forth, which sometimes can be very loud.

If the pair failed to mate after kept together for those few days, it is best to separate them for a while and try to mate them again after 2 - 3 days. Usually they will succeed and then you should observe the female. Breeders should prepare a suitable container for the female egg-laying. A humid hide which is filled with moist will do well.

After about 4 weeks of mating, the female gecko will start to lay eggs. The first clutch usually consists of 1 - 2 white oval eggs. Geckos are able to lay about 8 clutches per year, where there is an interval of 2 - 4 weeks between two laying.  

The laid eggs should be removed and kept in an incubator. It is the temperature of the incubator that determines the sex of the gecko babies. Set at a low temperature of about 80 degrees it is most likely that the clutch will be females.

On the contrary, a higher temperature of about 90 degrees, it is most likely that the clutch will be male. A temperature of in between, 85 degrees, will eventually generate a mixed sex of both males and females.

Uno Birawan is a Leopard Gecko enthusiast and wrote a lot about caring for leopard geckos. His observation on gecko care is that about 86.5% of geckos have the chance to die within 2 years of captivity. You can obtain more information on how to properly take care of a gecko and how to save it's life at Lets make your gecko healthy and live longer.

Article Source: -  How to Start Breeding Leopard Geckos


Black Pearl Leopard Gecko, a New Successful Breed of Leopard Gecko Morphs
By: Uno Birawan

If you are looking for the latest unique result of gecko breeding, The Black Pearl gecko seems to be the right one. This is a very special breed emerged as a result of the hard work of Konrad Wlodarczyk and friends who is a leading leopard gecko breeder from Poland, Europe.

Konrad started his so called Black Pearl Project silently with a few friends of his. The black gecko is in contrast with the albino gecko which has been one of the popular geckos on sale. Breeding a totally black gecko seems to be very challenging. This is typical the trait of a true breeder, who always seek to try to breed new morphs. If many breeders try to breed albinos, why not try to breed a black one. This was maybe what Konrad had in his mind.

Black leopard geckos are indeed the rarest morph that has been recently developed. It was in early 2008 when information about a successful breeding of black geckos spread over the leopard gecko community and enthusiasts. In spite of his successful work, Konrad moved to Australia and handed over the rights to further develop this project to The Urban Gecko a well known gecko breeder in Canada owned and operated by Craig and Lori Stewart.

Well, why are black geckos so special? Mainly of course, their totally black color which has never been seen and imagined by leopard gecko lovers. When many of newly breed offspring possess lighter and lighter color combination, this goes to the opposite direction, the creation of a darker version, even an extremely dark gecko.

Starting from its hatched egg, the baby gecko emerged in a totally black color without any pattern. The mature black gecko appears as an extremely black and silky skin. This hyper-melanistic color gives a deep and mystifying beauty that has never been seen before. It is truly an exclusive breed at this moment.

The majority of the Black Pearl babies are born extremely black and during their maturation they become a bit lighter in color which can be mistaken for a Mack Snow but with a difference of its blurry dark gray color pattern. When they become sexually mature their color could change again significantly to a velvet black color.

Another full melanistic breed is the Midnight Blizzard and was the only full melanistic morph in the past. Its melanine pigments appear as a brownish skin rather than black color which is unlike the Black Pearl with its extreme black color.

Since the introduction of the Black Pearl some years ago, many breeders tried to hatch dark melanistic geckos but failed to arrive at satisfactorily results. The reason of failure could be the absence of a gene that can produce such full dark melanistic pigments which should definitely be the trait of a real black leopard gecko. In such successful unique breeding cases, knowledge and experience plays a very important role.

Uno Birawan is a Leopard Gecko enthusiast and wrote a lot about caring for leopard geckos. His observation on gecko care is that about 86.5% of geckos have the chance to die within 2 years of captivity. You can obtain more information on how to properly take care of a gecko and how to save it's life at Lets make your gecko healthy and live longer.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Basic Leopard Gecko Supplies

The kind of leopard gecko supplies that you are going to acquire is fully under your discretion. You may provide your gecko with a simple cage that meets the minimal requirement of a good habitat, but you can also place your gecko in a luxury customized cage which is fully equipped with delicate decors to pamper your gecko. It is really up to you.

If you do not have any budget constraints you can buy all the needed supplies brand new in pet shops. But you can get those supplies in a less expensive way by making use of old or unused stuff like old aquariums, shoe boxes or Tupperware tubs. With a little creativity and modification you can get those things at work satisfactorily and look nicely too.   

However you should recognize the basic supplies that are needed to fulfill the minimum requirement to keep and maintain a healthy gecko. Here is the list:

Vivarium/tank/cage/enclosure - The comfortable volume is a 10 gallons tank or a minimum size of 24"X12"X12" per adult gecko. You may need a 15 gallons tank for a pair and 20 gallons for two pairs if you want to keep multiple geckos and plan to breed your geckos.

Wire net or screen top - This is usually included with the cage and should be made of wire net to provide good ventilation and sufficient light.

Gecko safe substrate - This substrate should be non-irritating and non-abrasive materials such as artificial grass, newspapers and paper toweling

Hide box, moist box - A hide box is where your gecko will spent most of its time. You will need 2 hide boxes. Place one at the humid and hot side, above the spot where you place the Under Tank Heater and the other box at the drier and cooler side of the tank A moist or humid box is the 3rd hide box with some sphagnum moss to maintain humidity.

Rough decors - This is the interior of the tank which includes climbing rocks or logs, wood or bark that can be used to rubbing the gecko skin when shedding and artificial plants. Live and nontoxic plants are also beneficial to create a humid environment. Make sure that those climbing accessories are tightly fixed to the tank bottom to avoid tumbling of your gecko.  

Thermometers and a thermostat - Two thermometers are needed to monitor temperature at both sides of temperature gradients, while the thermostat is for controlling the required temperature. There is a need to provide different temperature gradients to make it possible for your gecko to choose the desired body temperature.

Light and timer, dome lamp and black or red reptile bulb - These are the supplies to provide proper lighting for your gecko. This artificial lighting is not necessary if you could place your gecko tank at spots with sufficient natural light. If artificial is needed, set your timer at 12 hours on and 12 hours off.

Dishes or bowls - These are needed to place the water, mealworms and calcium powder. Select the proper size and depth. The water bowl should be easy for the gecko to soak and drink from it without getting drown

Under Tank Heater or UTH - This is an extra heat source placed under one side of the tank. The suggested temperature setting is at 80 - 85F at daytime and around 70F during night time.

Mist spray bottle to wet the moist box - This is simply a sprayer bottle that is used to spray the moist box only, not necessarily the whole tank 

Food - The common food stock for your gecko is live mealworms. Other foods that can be prepared include crickets, cockroaches and silkworms. Remember to gut-load all these live food 24 hours prior to feeding your gecko to ensure the healthiness of your lizard

Supplements - The powder form of calcium powder and vitamin D3 sprinkled on live food prior to feeding your gecko.

So, that concludes the basic supplies of caring leopard geckos. Again, those supplies are not necessary the expensive and brand new ones. As a beginner it is good to start with something simple and less expensive. An estimate to get you a nice natural looking cage with all those basic supplies will be around 100 to 150$.

Happy gecko caring!

Uno Birawan is a Leopard Gecko enthusiast and wrote a lot about caring for leopard geckos. His observation on gecko care is that about 86.5% of geckos have the chance to die within 2 years of captivity. You can obtain more information on how to properly take care of a gecko and how to save it's life at Lets make your gecko healthy and live longer.

Article Source: - Basic Leopard Gecko Supplies

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Building a Perfect Leopard Gecko Cage

A leopard gecko cage can be a nice part of your home if you plan it thoughtfully. Assuming you already have all the basic gecko supplies, the cage deserves a little more attention if you want to build one that fits to the condition of your house.

Your cage as home deco.Buying a ready made cage sold at a pet store may provide you with both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you get a ready for use cage at a reasonable price. The disadvantages may be in finding the proper spot to place it and the incompatibility with your home furnishing. It will look like a piece of a stands alone furniture that does not belong to the rest of your furniture set.

It will be fine if you wish to buy a ready made one. Many people do. But you actually have the option to design or buy a cage or multiple cages that match your home furnishing. It will cost you more, but there are people who are really after such kind of perfection. May be this is the way to express love and care to their lovely gecko. The challenge will be to find a manufacturer or a handicraftsman that can design and build one that meets your needs. 

Provides ease in caring and enjoying your geckos. Geckos are considered as small reptiles which used to stay on grounds. Even if you place the lizard into a cage, you may need to bend down to care or enjoy you gecko. To make it easier for you, you can place the cage on a stand which can be set at an eye catching level. In this way, your gecko is more manageable and makes other people easier to see and enjoy your wonderful gecko.

Such stand also serves as a place to keep other gecko supplies like food, supplements, cleaning supplies and extra dishes. You can also make use of hoods that will perfectly cover the installation of electric fixtures such as lights and the heater. Attractive stands and hoods can be purchased at stores specializing in reptile enclosures      

Secures safety of your geckos. The cage should be made out of safe materials and provide safety as well. Wood and glass or acrylic panels are the perfect materials for a gecko cage. Geckos are not able to climb or stick on smooth surfaces of glass or acrylic, hence preventing them to climb and escape through the top of the cage.

Keeping your gecko insides its cage is of most important. Imagine your gecko succeed to escape and accidentally stepped on by you or the other members of your family and get hurt. Wow, this is really a problem for you and your gecko. To avoid this happening, you need to secure lock all the doors and openings of the cage. There are secure lock systems for sale if you wish to put a little assurance to the safety of your gecko.

Stackable gecko cages. This is a perfect solution if you wish to care for multiple geckos. Why not just put all your geckos in one big cage? We know that geckos do not get friendly to each other very easy. It is quite often geckos are fighting each other if put together. The solution is to place them in a separate cage. If you have space problems, there are cages available that can be easily and nicely stacked up to 6 cages.   

The interior of the cage, meaning all the supplies that you are going to place into the cage should match the quality of your cage. The rough decors, substrates, hiding boxes, dishes etc should be of good quality. The setting should reflect creativeness and a touch of an artistic sense.

When everything is put together perfectly, neat and clean, there will be no wonder if your geckos will appear handsome and elegant starring at you with a confident gesture. This scenery is something that you will be proud of when showing it to your friends and other gecko lovers. It is really worth to build a perfect gecko cage like that. Isn't it?

Uno Birawan is a Leopard Gecko enthusiast and wrote a lot about caring for leopard geckos. His observation on gecko care is that about 86.5% of geckos have the chance to die within 2 years of captivity. You can obtain more information on how to properly take care of a gecko and how to save it's life at Lets make your gecko healthy and live longer.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


How to Buy a Leopard Gecko

So, you have decided to care for a leopard gecko. It’s a good decision since there is a great possibility that you will succeed in caring a healthy and happy gecko for years to come. Why is that? With lot of information and easy access to supplies and everything that you need to care and raise up your gecko, make the probability to fail becomes very small. The only factor that may cause a failure lies in your self. You should really CARE for it, you and your family, seriously and persistently.

The first thing to do is to gather information on how to care for a leopard gecko. List all the things you need if you care for a single or a pair of geckos. Estimate your budget requirement. Ask the commitment of your family members to fully participate in the caring of a new member of your family, your leopard gecko. If this is settled you can proceed to buy.

Next thing to do is to look for a place or person that sells leopard geckos. There are several options. You can buy leopard geckos online, during pet exhibitions and through advertisement of gecko breeders.

You probably find some pet stores, and find some geckos among so many other pets ready for sale. There is great possibility that geckos in such pet store are not properly looked after and may get less attention compared to other more popular pets. In short, there is a great chance that you may not get the healthiest and best gecko you are looking for.

Finding a gecko breeder will be the best option to look for a healthy leopard gecko. A breeder is someone who really cares for his geckos. He is the one who knows very well how his geckos grow from a baby to a full grown and healthy gecko. He will know the behavior, uniqueness and how to handle each and every gecko very well.

Another thing, you should find the truly gecko breeder. You may meet several people that claim themselves as breeders. But you should be careful. Try to examine every gecko that he offers. If you find signs of an unhealthy gecko, or any clue for improper treatment, such us poor maintenance of his gecko habitat, unhealthy food, dirty and so on, you may conclude that this breeder is not very serious in raising his gecko. There is a great chance that you get a sick gecko that is handicapped for his whole life. Really not a happy gecko you are looking for.

Prior to buying a leopard gecko, you should know the general signs of a healthy gecko. The first sign you should attend to is the bright and clear eyes of the gecko with a fat tail. These are the signs that the gecko is being treated and fed properly. It should possess a full body and the way he walks is with his body high from the ground. He should move energetically. Watch how he eats. It should be done with enthusiasm. Another important thing in choosing a gecko is to make sure that you get a captive bred gecko. Avoid wild caught geckos since they are more difficult to handle.

After a thorough search, you finally feel attracted to one of the geckos then you can start bargaining. A gecko price depends on its morph uniqueness, general condition, size and age. There is no general price for a gecko, and price setting could be very subjective. It is often that somebody is willing to pay high for a gecko that he falls in love to for the first sight, while another person does not feel attracted to the same gecko. 

So, you have got your leopard gecko. But make sure that you have all you need to care for your lovely reptile ready in your house. A nice home should be waiting for its new member. Happy caring.


Leopard Gecko As One of the Favorite Pets

Have you ever heard about a leopard gecko? Well, this lizard has gain popularity in a short period of time which made them sought as one of the favorite pets. This reptile comes from the dessert regions in South Central Asia, imported to the states and breed as a wonderful captive animal. In fact geckos are easy to breed which may produce amazing offspring.

Why are they admired that much? Here are 6 good reasons why leopard geckos become one of the favorite pets in many households and families.

#1 - Gentle and tame. Geckos are known to be gentle and tame. They are not the type of pets that will endanger its keeper. You can enjoy playing with it without any fear for being hurt or bitten by this gentle lizard.

Unlike other climbing lizard, geckos do not possess toe pads that produce the ability to adhere to surfaces. As a consequence, geckos are not good climbers and tend to stay on plain surfaces or horizontal barks.

This provides you with the opportunity to keep this lizard safe in a glass enclosure where they are not able to climb on. Hence, lessen the possibility to escape from its habitat. 

#2 – Uniqueness. As mentioned before, geckos are easy to breed while in captivity. Their offspring produces beautiful and unique patterns plus their obvious appearances that are very interchangeable. Further breeding among geckos will create new specimens with more unique patterns. Gecko morphs are available in such great variability.

An extraordinary trait is the carrot tail of some geckos. This tail which is named after a carrot has plenty amount of orange pigments, hence called carrot tail. This thick carrot like tail is a deposit of fat that will be depleted during times of food shortage.

Another trait that differentiate leopard to other geckos is the presence of eyelids. Unlike other geckos that need to use their tongue to clean their eyes, a leopard just simply need to blink for eye cleaning.  

#3 - Cleanliness. Geckos are really clean animals. They do not litter much and tend to litter in a specific area of their cage. This made them easy to place and displayed at any spot of your house. Placing them in a decorative cage will create some exclusive and neat scenery to be proud of.

What you need to do is to place a paper towel or the same sort of material on spots where they choose to litter. You then can replace the paper towel periodically to keep the cage clean and neat. 

#4 - Easy to care for. Geckos need minimal care requirement. This made them perfect for beginners. All you need to do in the beginning is to set up a proper habitat for your gecko to live healthy and happy.

It is best if you could provide the gecko with a natural environment. This includes putting rocks and logs where your gecko can hide or climb. Plants, live or artificial, can be used to create more hiding places.

In short, basic supplies of a good habitat should meet the requirement for proper feeding, hiding, climbing, and shedding with the appropriate setting of temperature, lighting, humidity and scheduled cleaning

#5 - Easy to feed. Geckos are basically insectivores that prefer life insects such as crickets, cockroaches, mealworms, butter-worms, wax-worms and pinkie mice once in a while.

The ease of feeding them is in the continuous availability of food in pet stores as well as the behavior of the gecko to actively go after its live prey.

To add more nutrition value to the insects, it is best if you gut-load the insect 24 hours before feeding your gecko. Dusting the prey with calcium or vitamin D powder will be sufficient.

#6 - Long lifespan. Last but not least is the long lifespan of a gecko that can reach an average of 20 years. This means that you can enjoy your gecko for quite a long time.

All you need to do is keep them healthy, clean and happy. Keep your gecko environment clean and safe as well, away from possible hazards and other animals that could possibly endanger and hurt your wonderful lizard. 

With such 6 good reasons, I wonder whether you still hesitate to keep one and enjoy your gecko at the fullest. Happy gecko caring! 

Friday, April 13, 2012


Preparing Your Leopard Gecko Habitat

Caring for a leopard gecko seems to be easy and simple. But there is something important that you certainly have to attend to, that is the leopard gecko’s habitat. You probably know that geckos are desert reptiles. And it would be very logical that you should prepare a habitat that resembles the native desert of this reptile, where it can live healthy, safe and feel like a comfortable home

So, how does the gecko native desert look like? Do not imagine that the desert of a gecko is a sand desert. As a matter of fact the desert of Afghanistan, Pakistan or India are dry and rocky deserts, cold at night and warm during daylights. Like almost every desert, it has very short supply of vegetation and with minimal rainfall.

Having this picture in your mind, that is how you are going to set up the right habitat for your gecko. You are going to set up an enclosure, or cage or terrarium, whatever you like to call it, which should be suitable for your gecko to do its daily activities, which is: hiding, climbing, moving around and shedding. Let us look at some aspects of a habitat that meet the requirements.

Enclosure. This is the place where your gecko will be kept. It should be long and shallow, with a minimum size of 10 gallons just for one gecko. Adjust this size if you care for multiple geckos; 15 gallons for a pair, 20 gallons for two pairs and so on. Avoid wire enclosures, use the glass cage instead. Most geckos are not able to climb glass, thus avoiding them to escape or get hurt. However, the cage lid should be made of wire net to provide good ventilation and sufficient light.

Substrates. These are materials that you will use in the bottom of your terrarium. Use substrates that are non-irritating and non-abrasive, since geckos have sensitive skin. Other requirements for a good substrate: easy to clean and replace, and does not create dust of any type. Suggested substrates are artificial grass, newspapers and paper toweling. Sand should be used with caution since sand may cause some problems. Materials to avoid: pine, cedar, gravel, hardwood chips, sawdust, cat litter and corncob bedding.

Landscaping. The objective of landscaping is to provide the gecko with a natural environment. This includes putting rocks and logs where your gecko can hide or climb. Plants, live or artificial, can be used to create more hiding places. Use living plants carefully, since some maybe poisonous to your gecko. It is advisable to ask an expert or veterinarian about which safe plant to use.

Temperature. The body temperature of your gecko depends on its environment, because a gecko is not able to produce its own body temperature. It is important to provide your gecko with extra heat sources in the basking areas. If necessary you can use an under tank heater and set it at 80º – 85ºF at daytime and around 70ºF during night time. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature.

You should provide different temperature gradients outside the basking area. This is to make it possible for your gecko to choose the desired body temperature or what is called by thermoregulation. If it needs to warm up is body temperature it will move to the warmer area and vice versa.

Light. In summer, geckos need to stay about 14 hours in daylight and 10 hours of darkness. While in winter, they are used to 12 hours daylight and darkness respectively. You can set timing with the help of an automatic timer. Remember that geckos are nocturnal creatures and do not like bright light, especially if they are exposed to white light there is a great possibility that they become tensed.

Make use of the black heat lamps and red lamps, and avoid the UV lamps. Make also sure that you place the lamps outside the enclosure and in such manner that there are some dark spots for your gecko to hide.

Humidity. This is also an important requirement, since high humidity will make your gecko more susceptible to diseases. The ideal humidity for a healthy gecko is at the level of less than 40%, which will prevent possible dehydration and facilitate proper shedding. To monitor humidity you can use a hygrometer.

Cleaning. This is a must. Several things can be done on a daily and weekly basis to maintain a healthy leopard gecko habitat. Your daily cleaning task should include removing waste, remains, dead insects and shed skin. Remove and clean all objects that are contaminated with the gecko’s feces. Water bowls should be cleaned and disinfected. Remove and replace dirty substrate

Your weekly task should include cleaning and disinfecting the whole enclosure completely, including its decorations, feeding items, water bowls as well as to replace dirty substrate. When doing this, avoid using cleaners that can be poisonous to your gecko e.g. pine scent and phenols.

Water. Your gecko needs continuous clean water supply. Water should be presented in a flat and shallow bowl and should be kept clean by changing it every day. Even if you find something spoiling the water, like feces or drowned insects or feeder you should immediately replace it with clean water. Using deep bowls will make it difficult for your gecko to reach the water, and at the same time will put your gecko into the danger of drowning. 


Get to Know Your Leopard Gecko

Leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) a nocturnal reptile among a number of other geckos species is probably the most popular gecko around the world. The uniqueness of this small creature, their funny look, their colorful skin patterns and the ease for caring them are the main reasons why this gecko is liked so much. Even a novice could easy get along with this wonderful reptile.

Their attractiveness is ongoing, since breeding among geckos will result new beautiful and colorful patterns. Every time you can see another color variation with its own uniqueness. And this happens from year after year, there is always a new unique pattern that comes into view.

The beautiful patterns, which are usually called by leopard gecko morphs has plenty of names. Some of the popular leopard gecko morphs include Mack Snow, Tremper Albino Mack Snow, APTOR = Albino Patternless Tremper ORange, Super Hypo Tangerines, Rainwater Albinos, Rainwater Patternless Albino, Bell Albinos, Tremper Albinos, Tremper Giants, Rainbows, Bold Stripes, Blizzards, Jungles, Patternless, High Yellow and so fort. 

Leopard gecko is native to dry South Central Asian deserts in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India as well as in some parts of Iran. Its’ natural habitat is really the dry rocky desserts with dry grasslands. While the night temperature can be very low, below 10º Celsius, the leopard gecko takes shelter by digging underground where it semi-hibernate. At this situation the gecko lives on its fats reserve which is mainly deposited on its tail.

Leopard geckos are night creatures. During the day they can be found hiding under rocks or in holes to avoid the daytime heat, and during sunset they will come out to hunt for insects as their main prey. They feed on insects, spiders and worms. Although in captivity, a gecko prefers to hunt for food by themselves. This means that you should feed them with live prey, since they will refuse to eat dead prey. Crickets will do best.

This reptile is basically small in size. A baby gecko is of 6.5 – 8.4 cm long and 3 grams in weight. The adult can rise to 20.5 – 27.5 cm long with a weight of 45 – 65 grams. The wild gecko has a duller, darker and monotonous coloration compared to those in captivity, which has various attractive skin colors and patterns.   

A regular habit of the gecko is shedding their skin. To do this properly, geckos need a humid habitat or place where it can hide while shedding. You can provide your gecko with a shed box, which is simply a box to hide with humid spaghnum moss in it. Spaghnum moss or peat moss is a kind of soil conditioner that functions to increase the soil’s capacity in holding water or nutrients.

Another thing that you should attend to is to equip the gecko’s habitat with a light and heat source. This is by the means of a temperature gradient which s basically putting two ends, one warm side and one cool on the other side of the enclosure. In this way your gecko can make his own proper adjustment its body temperature

The only precaution of caring for leopard geckos is that they are known to be potential carriers of infectious diseases like salmonella and other virulent bacteries. You can minimize the risk for being contaminated is by keeping a hygienic environment for the leopard and for yourself. It is always best to wash your hand with an antiseptic before and after handling your lovely gecko. It is just a little prevention.